Makalah PLC Python

Programming Language Concepts (PLC) adalah konsep yang terdapat dalam bahasa pemograman. Saya dan teman kelompok saya menggunakan bahasa pemograman Python. Daftar isi makalah ini terdiri atas:
BAB I Describing Syntax and Semantics
1.1 Comment untuk satu baris
1.2 Comment untuk beberapa baris
2. Whitespace
3. Indentation
4. Tokens
4.1 Keyword
4.2 Operator
4.3 Punctuator
4.4 Delimiter
4.5 Literal
4.6 Print
4.7 Raw Input
4.8 If, elif, else (conditional)
4.9 True, False, NOT (ekspresi Boolean)
5. Expressions
6. Interpreter Errors
BAB 2 Name, Binding, and Scope
1. Nama Variabel
2. Tipe dan Jenis Data
2.1 Tipe Data Bilangan
2.2 Tipe Data Teks
2.3 Tipe Data Boolean
3. Binding
3.1 Bindin Type
3.2 Storage Binding and Allocation
4. Variabel Scope
BAB 3 Data Types
1. Primitive Data Type
2. Character String Type
3. User Defined Ordinal
4. Array Type
4.1 Heterogeneous Arrays
4.2 Associative Arrays
5. Record Types
6. Tuple Types
7. List Type
8. Union Type
9. Pointer and Reference Types
10. Type Checking
11. Strong Typing
BAB 4 Espression and Assignment Statement
1. Operator Aritmatika
2. Overloading dan Type Conversion
2.1 List
3. Relation Expression and Boolean
4. Short Circuit Evaluation Of Logical Expressions
5. Assignment Statement
BAB 5 Control Structure And Statement
1. Statement-Level Control Structures
1.1 Control Structure
1.2 Selection Statements
1.3 Two Way Selection Statements
2. Multiple Way Selection Statements Using Switch Case
2.1 If Statements
2.2 If else
2.3 Elif
2.4 Python Break
2.5 Python Continue
3. Clause Form
3.1 If Statement
3.2 While Statement
3.3 For Statement
4. Try Statement
4.1 Menangani Error Pembacaan File
5. With Statement
6. Iterative Statements
7. Counter Controlled Loops
8. Logically Controlled Loops
8.1 For Loop
8.2 While Loop
9. User Loaded Loop Control Mechanism
9.1 Sistem Kontrol Loop Terbuka
9.2 Sistem Kontrol Loop Tertutup
BAB 6 Subprogram
1. Prosedure Dalam Subprogram
2. Fungsi Dalam Subprogram
3. Design Issue of Subprograms
4. Local Referencing Environments
5. Parameter Passing Methods
6. Generic Subprogram
7. Polymorphism(Overloading)
BAB 7 Abstract Data Type
1. Introduction And Concept of Abstraction
2. Parameterized Abstract Data Type
3. Naming Encapsulation
4. Encapsulation Construct
5. Example of Abstraction
BAB 8 Object-Oriented Programming
1. Pengertian OOP
2. Konsep OOP
3. Karakteristik OOP
4. Semuanya Merupaka Objek
5. Semuanya Memiliki Kelas?
6. Penggunaan Self
7. Penggunaan _init_
8. Instance Attributes and Methods
9. Static Methods
10. Class Methods
11. Inheritance
BAB 9 Concurrency
1. Fungsi Matematika
2. Higher-Order Function
3. Purity
4. Perbedaan Functional dan Imperative Language
BAB 10 Exception Handling And Event Handling
1. Exception Handling
2. Syntax Errors
3. Exceptions
4. Raising Exceptions
5. User-defined Exeptions
6. Defining Clean-up Actions
7. Predefined Clean-up Actions
BAB 11 Logic Programming Languages
1. Penjelasan Singkat Mengenai Predicate Calculus
2. Preposisi
3. Overview of Logic Programming
4. Terms
5. Fact Statements
6. Rule Statements
7. Goal Statements
8. The Inferencing Process of Prolog
9. Simple Arithmetic
10. List Structures

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